
Screen Report Assessment (SRA)

This service is a low-cost solution to evaluate environmental risk when dealing with minimal balance loans or renewals with low to moderate risk operations. The service includes: 

  • Regulatory database review within 1/8th of a mile of the property
  • Detailed information on environmental listings on or adjacent the property
  • A low, elevated, or high-risk rating provided by an Environmental Professional
  • Recommendations or No Further Investigation statement 

Records Search with Risk Assessment (RSRA)

This service is a low-cost solution to meet the requirements of the SBA SOP 50 10 6. The service includes:

  • Regulatory database review equivalent to ASTM 1527-21 
  • Historical documents researched (e.g., aerial photography, city directories, fire insurance maps, topographic maps, on-line municipal records)
  • A low, elevated, or high-risk rating provided by an Environmental Professional
  • Recommendations or No Further Investigation statement

Enhanced SRA or RSRA

This service is a lower-cost alternative to a Transaction Screen or Phase I ESA. It allows us to address environmental risks without having to go to a Phase I ESA. A risk is identified early in the SRA or RSRA process and an additional task is added to the work scope to ensure a No Further Investigation statement is achieved. Additional tasks may include:

  • Interviews
  • Property Inspection
  • Regulatory file review
  • Additional research

ASTM 1528-14 Transaction Screen

This service is a lower cost alternative to a Phase I ESA. The service includes:

  • Regulatory database review equivalent to ASTM 1527-21 
  • Historical documents researched (e.g., aerial photography, city directories, fire insurance maps, topographic maps, on-line municipal records)
  • Site inspection
  • Interviews with Owners and Occupants
  • Meets All Appropriate Inquiry (40 CFR Part312)
  • Meets SBA 50 10 6

ASTM 1527-21 Phase I ESA

This service is the environmental consulting industry standard. It is necessary for those seeking CERCLA protection as an innocent purchaser, bona fide prospective purchaser, or contiguous property owner. Along with all the services provided in the Transaction Screen, the service includes the following:

  • State and local regulatory agency file reviews
  • State and local regulatory agency interviews
  • Location Map, Site Plan, Photographs
  • Identifies Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) 
  • Environmental Professional declaration

Environmental Report Peer Review

We conduct third-party reviews of environmental documents. This service may provide the following:

  • Evaluation of compliance with industry standards and scope requirements
  • Opinion on need for any additional assessment
  • Recommendations to address identified environmental risk(s)

Environmental Risk Program Support

We work with your in-house staff as needed to ensure an environmental risk program is developed and/or implemented in a manner that will ensure the safety and soundness of your institution. Depending on your needs, this service may include:

  • Policy review and modification
  • Policy training